Learn while having fun


Did you know that using hands-on activities is one of the BEST ways for children to learn?!? Research shows that children who are taught using hands-on teaching methods do better in school than those who are not. That is why we use many different hands-on activities for kids that are FUN and engaging. Want to know our secret?


We love teaching with all different types of learning materials to bring learning to LIFE! We use pom poms, beads,  jewels, tweezers, whiteboard markers, play dough, clothespins, and more! What child doesn’t want to play and learn with these SUPER FUN materials?!

What you need to know about hands-on learning in preschool and kindergarten

  • Hands-on activities allow children to use their senses while learning. They see, touch, and move real objects to complete tasks. This means that letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and more are brought to life! Children begin to understand the meaning behind what they are doing.

  • Children get excited and engaged because they are having FUN!

  • They have a longer attention span. This helps them to build knowledge and increase their long-term memory.

  • Children will strengthen their fine motor development. They learn control, communication, concentration and dedication to finishing tasks and problem solving skills.

  • Hands-on preschool, and kindergarten activities help children to build a lifelong love of learning!


Exercising your imagination